
Danica Roganović: Loner

I’m a dead man with few cheap pleasures,
A sinner who is lost in nature’s sight,
Tamed by hope that thoughts will get clearer,
I can’t see the end of this tireless night.

There’s a smile on one side of my face,
Where I welcome all the perjury.
Where I ride unicorns,
Where erased are all society surgeries.

I took more than I need,
Greedy shadows possessed my time.
A willpower for damned seed,
For a damage I can’t decline.

My aim is a destruction of myself,
To lock the body with all the voices,
To bleed till I’m bled,
To die with mind fed.

Danica Roganović
Danica Roganović
Porijeklom iz Herceg Novog, živi u New York-u. Trenutno završava školu, a pored nje pohađa privatne časove glume. Osim poezije, scenariji su njena strast i fokus. Poeziju najviše piše na engleskom jeziku. Misli da je pisanje već ogroman napad na privatnost samog pisca, stoga će preskočiti pričati fakte i prepustiti čitaocima da sude kako njoj - tako i samima sebi.