Ove godine, jubilarno izdanje festivala će predstaviti predstave, ne samo iz regiona, već i iz drugih delova Evrope, sve to kao deo priprema programa Temišvar – Evropska prestonica kulture 2021 godine. Ukupno će biti prikazano 30 predstava iz 16 zemalja. Kako TESZT ima za cilj da ima što veću posećenost, bez obzira na uzrast ili etničku pripadnost, program prikazuje širok spektar predstava u smislu njihovog formata i karaktera. Od intimnih predstava, jedan-na-jedan preko prostorno – specifičnih i solo produkcija u više klasičnom formatu namenjenom za zatvoreni prostor i glavnoj sceni, dokumentarni teatar i multimedijalni performansi na otvorenom prostoru plesne predstave i koncerte. Organizatori festivala imaju nepromenjeni cilj da prikažu najvažnija društvena pitanja, u isto vreme daje posebnu pažnju na pokrete pravljenja inventara i rezimea. Slično tome, većina predstava se bavi temama sećanja, odnosno trijade prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti; sa samo-refleksijom, ispovestima umetnika o sebi i svom radu.
U skladu sa tradicijom na otvaranju festivala je premijera, predstava EXIT, koprodukcija domaćina, Csiki Gergeli mađarskog državnog pozorišta u saradnji sa Narodnim pozorištem Sombor i Ioan Slavici klasičnim pozorištem iz Arada. Tvorci ove predstave, eminentnog reditelja Šilinga Arpada su glumci rumunske, srpske i mađarske nacionalnosti. Ovaj projekat je zamišljen kroz inicijativu od strane matičnog pozorišta ima za cilj jačanje profesionalnih odnosa u regionu i međunarodne saradnje. Na festivalu će biti prikazana i predstava Šekspir, Sonett 66 reditelja Kokana Mladenovića, takođe u produkciji domaćina festivala, kao i još jedna predstava Narodnog pozorišta Sombor, Gogoland u režiji jednog od regionalno najznačajnijih reditelja, Andraša Urbana. Béres Márta One Girl Show je još jedna njegova režija u produkciji pozorišta Kosztolányi Dezső iz Subotice. Na festivalu će biti i jedna beogradska predstava, produkcija BITEF festivala (Bitef teatra), Sloboda je najskuplja kapitalistička reč, autorski projekat Maje Pelević i Olge Dimitrijević, takođe rađena na granici činjenica i fikcije. Predstava je nastala kao inspiracija autorki iz istraživačkog putovanja u najizolovaniju zemlju na svetu – Severnu Koreju, kroz analize mogućnosti i nemogućnosti da se govori o zemlji koja se nalazi izvan našeg kulturnog i političkog koda.
Na festivalu će biti prikazane i predstave iz Austrije, Slovenije, Mađarske, Hrvatske, Španije, Velike Britanije, Belgije, Portugalije, Nemačke, Poljske, Holandije, Libana, Francuske, Italije i Bugarske.
Selektor i direktor festivala je Balázs Attila, dok je umetnički konsultant Gálovits Zoltán. Festival je netakmičarskog karaktera i svake godine, u zavisnosti od kriterijuma seletora, budu odabrane najkvalitetnije umetničke predstave regiona. Ovo je treća, uzastopna godina da će Belgrade Edt Culture blog pratiti festival i druga kako je jedan od medijskih pokrovitelja.
Uloge: Balázs Attila, Bandi András Zsolt, Csata Zsolt, Ninoslav Đorđević, Éder Enikő, Andrei Elek, Branislav Jerković, Mátrai Lukács Sándor, Dragana Šuša, Tokai Andrea, Vass Richárd, Carmen Vlaga-Bogdan
Somewhere in Great Britain economic migrants are locked up inside a theatre building that has been out of use. They have arrived from various Eastern European countries: they want both to get out and to get in somewhere. Those from outside have promised them that everything will be sorted out and that they should not do anything other than wait. We analyse this seemingly endless wait through seven scenes. This laboratory situation is perfectly suited for self-examination. It is about us, those from the East, those from the Balkans: the emigrating immigrants. What do we think of our reflexes, our habits, our inherited and learned behavioural patterns, our lack of trust, our prejudices, our fears and desires?
We are alike, we all desire love and safety. But the road to these desires can be very different. How do we cope with being locked up? How does community form? How do we tear down old relations in order to build up new ones? How do we reformulate our goals? What do we do, what do we sacrifice to survive? All these questions become especially interesting with regards to Hungarian-Romanian-Serbian relations. What memories and fixations determine these relations? How are ethnic and cultural differences overwritten by a crisis?
Margareta Schwarzwald Institute, Ljubljana (SLOVENIJA)
Three Sisters Tri sestry I Anton Pavlovich Chekhov I 100′
premijera: 30. Septembar 2015.
Uloge: Daša Doberšek, Lucija Tratnik, Danijel Bogataj, Aja Kobe, Jure Kopušar
Chekhov is everywhere. On stages. At home and abroad. Moreover, ineffably he has always been present in the small everyday things. In the lingering on and in the yearning. The production sets out to explore the question of what is the interest of our present time in a play that is based on time. In what way does a play inhabit time and in what way does time inhabit a play? The irony lies in the fact that, in spite of our temporal acceleration, there is increasingly less time left to us. We don’t even take that much time to sit at the railway station, if for no other reason than to watch life pass by us. We simply linger on in this time and space although we constantly yearn to go someplace else. Until we are sometimes simply chased away. Although: „There is no happiness, neither here nor there.”
A play for our present time, in which the timespan is truly small. With few characters and even fewer actors. A play that will endure. Until we are gone.
premijera: 22. mart 2016.
Uloge: Biljana Keskenović, Branislav Jerković, Ivana V. Jovanović, Milica Janevski, Nenad Pećinar, Saša Torlaković, Nemanja Bubalo, Lazar Lazarević
The essence of gogoism is that a man wins over his demons that urged him to tell the truth despite of telling what he needs to say. This is why everybody is happy in Gogoland. Telling the truth – any fool can do that. Not telling the truth – that needs a superhuman discipline. Saying it wisely, with ease and a pleasant superiority, not to allow any doubt… Herceg János
BITEF, Belgrade (SRBIJA)
premijera: 28. Septembar 2016.
Koncept, test i uloge: Maja Pelević i Olga Dimitrijević
The production, inspired by the authors’ research trip to the world’s most isolated country – North Korea, questions the idea of freedom in the era of ever-intensifying global surveillance. The audience will have a chance to get a unique touristic tour through a country considered by the “Western World” to be the biggest bogeyman, whose existence raises the question on freedom and lack of freedom in today’s society. The show brings up many other issues as well: how extensive are the limits of our thinking, conditioned by constant propaganda and the context from which we came? How relative is the notion of freedom and in what way is it determined by the socio-cultural context? Is the visible cult of personality worse than the invisible cult of money? What does South Korea, the last remnant of the Cold War tell us about our “Western” world? Is having an atomic bomb and a nationwide defence concept the only way to avoid imperial dominance? Is a socialist political structure always totalitarian? The show faces the possibilities and impossibilities of talking about a country that resides outside our cultural and political code.
Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre, Subotica (SRBIJA)
Foto: Molnar Edvard |
Béres Márta One Girl Show I 70′
premijera: 13. Mart 2011.
Uloga: Béres Márta
The solo performance of Béres Márta presents mosaics of the life of a wonderful actress from Voivodina. Realistic and surreal, a cool and fresh pop of colour. A loveable and exciting journey on the realms of excess and realities.
There is nothing more exciting than people’s stories and lives. Anybody’s. They say we all write our own novels. Why would I need extreme lives if anyone’s life is an unbelievable story worth listening to? (…) You take a deep breath and… The best moment is when you feel is nothing to be afraid of, because those looking at you are just as you are. They have similar fears and joys… As the stage is higher than the auditorium, it might suggest that its universe is totally different. But what if you look beyond the limelight? It’s not that horrible, it’s not such a terrifying thing. Béres Márta
premijera: 5. mart 2011.
Tekst i režija: Giuseppe Chico i Barbara Matijević
Uloga: Barbara Matijević
Forecasting is based on a collection of amateur videos from the biggest video sharing and watching website: YouTube.
Alone on stage, Barbara Matijević manipulates a laptop that broadcasts videos posted by anonymous users (there are no television and/or cinematographic clips) that meet the 1:1 scale criteria.
The performance establishes a space-time suspended between two parallel systems of perception: that of physical reality and that of the screen. Moving on stage with a laptop, Barbara Matijević models her body as an extension without continuity with the two-dimensional world of video images.
Forecasting gives an overview of the increasing role that digital tools have in the narration of Self and the collective construction of the Imaginary.
22:00 Main Hall
The Conference of the Birds is the final production of Glej’s 2015 resident, Nina Rajic Kranjac, as well as her MA work within the frame of the Theatre and Radio Directing program at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, University of Ljubljana. he text of the poet, hagiographer and theoretical sufist Farid ud Din Attar was adapted into a play by Jean-Claude Carri?re and Peter Brook in 1979, with which the story of Simorgh, the sufist teacher, and the travel of the birds reached the masses.
The performance directed by Nina Rajic Kranjac showcases six actors and actresses and was originally intended for a public of 40: they set off on a journey in which they discover the text through the settings that the performance and its ambience provokes in them, but they also travel through themselves. The performance comprises three parts (the conference, the desert, the seven valleys), and the director’s personal touch brings a breath of fresh air to the play.
28. Maj 2017, Nedelja
premijera: 11. januar 2017.
Režija: Kokan Mladenović
Uloge: Aszalos Géza, Balázs Attila, Bandi András Zsolt, Borbély B. Emília, Csata Zsolt, Éder Enikő, Horváth Anna, Kiss Attila, Kocsárdi Levente, Lőrincz Rita, Magyari Etelka, Mátyás Zsolt Imre, Molnár Bence, Molnos András Csaba, Simó Emese, Tar Mónika, Tokai Andrea
Tired with all these, for restful death I cry,
As, to behold desert a beggar born,
And needy nothing trimm’d in jollity,
And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
And guilded honour shamefully misplaced,
And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
And strength by limping sway disabled,
And art made tongue-tied by authority,
And folly, doctor-like, controlling skill,
And simple truth miscall’d simplicity,
And captive good attending captain ill:
Tired with all these, from these would I be gone,
Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.
Csiky Gergely mađarsko državno pozorište (Hungarian State Theatre) je mlado, entuzijastičko pozorište, sa međunarodnim timom saradnika, uvek u potrazi za novim umetničkim formama. Osnovano je 1953. godine, kao deo Rumunskog državnog teatra i već od 1957. radi kao nezavisna institucija. Naziv Csiky Gergelydobijaju 1990. godine. Pozorište ima značajne projekte i bogat i raznolik repertoar: klasični repertoar, ali i neverbalne, muzičke, lutkarske predstave theatre, non-verbal performances, music, puppets and marionette theatre plays.
Jedan od najznačajnijih projekata pozorišta jeste, TES(Z)T festival. Usled specifičnog položaja, Temišvar je raskrsnica nekoliko različitih kultura. Geografski gledano, podjednako je udaljen od dve prestonice, Budimpešte i Beograda, ali i nedaleko od Arada, Novog Sada, Subotice i Segedina. I bez obzira na geografsku u kulturološku bliskost, pozorišta u ovim gradovima su sarađivala na minimalnim osnovama. Ovaj festival je jedan od prvih ciljeva da podrži češću regionalnu saradnju pozorišta u cilju buduće razmene i razumevanja novih pozorišnih formi. Festival je pokrenut 2007. godine, kao jedan od najvažnijih kulturnih događaja ove regije, gde se pored predstava održavaju i koncerti, radionice i izložbe. TES(Z)T je tačna susreta rumunske, mađarske i srpske granice, nacije, ali i kulture.
Izvor: www.teszt.ro